Hank & Jed Movie Pictures
“Defying Debt”
2nd place trophy
Hank & Jed Movie Pictures
“Defying Debt”
2nd place trophy
Innerfilm productions
3rd place trophy
Best drama
Best Cinematography
The 5 regular guys
“5 Minutes ‘Til...”
Best Actor for
Stan Wood
Reddex Films
Most Artistic
Great G-Great
“Great Inventions From Great Britons”
Best Comedy
Shorty Bighead
“River Jumper”
3L Productions
“Who Nose?”
Highfall Productions
“The Prequel”
Big Bear Productions
“Port City Defender”
"Port City Prostitute"
(1st Place)
"The man Who Wasn't Ticklish"
(2nd Place)
"Wrong Number!"
(3rd Place; Best Comedy; Crowd Favorite award)
"Ars Poetica"
"Once Lost Love"
"Vicera Eyes"
"That's a Rap"
"The big Five Oh"
Same Page Productions
"Close Your eyes"
Last Wonder Productions
"Pulse" (1st Place)
"Super Sam" (2nd Place)
Sausage Party Productions
(a.k.a. Hank and Jed Movie Pictures)
"4th & Long" (3rd Place)
"Special Order : 937" (Best Special FX)
"The One-Take Mistake"
Oyster Productions
"When You Sleep"
"Pumpkinman: Genesis "
"Coming Soon... "
Over Night Productions
"Harold Knows the Difference "
Team Anonymous
Index of films created at the
Final Cut film festival.
Inspire Films
“Love Letter”
1st place trophy
Hank & Jed Movie Pictures
“Warped Galaxy”
2nd place trophy
Crowd Favorite trophy
Best fx
Darkhorse Films
“Greatest S-Kicker Alive”
3rd place trophy
Bad Laugh Productions
“Chopping Cart”
Best Comedy
InnerFilm Productions
“The Criminal”
Best Drama
Best Cinematography
C/G Productions
“Evil Deeds”
Best Thriller
Reddex Films
Most Artistic
HighFall Films
“The Hermit”
Best Actor for
Rachel Brittain
Reddex Films
Most Artistic
Definitive Productions
1st place trophy
Crowd favorite
Best magical Comedy Duo performing a Magical act In a Comedy Movie
Definitive Pictures
“Mustache Heat”
1st place
Crowd Favorite
Best Cinematography
Best Comedy
Definitive Filmmaker award
Hank & Jed Movie Pictures
“Magic Lake”
2nd Place
Best FX
Highfall Productions
“The Creek”
3rd place
Innerfilm Productions
“The Writers”
Best Drama
African Swallows
“O.S.T. (original soundtrack)”
Reddex Films
“Red Cross”
High Five Productions
“Love Her”
Big Bear Production Company
“The Son & The Moon”
3L Productions
Great G-great
“Head Roll”
Sweet & Sour Productions
1st place
Best Cinematography
All For One
“The Choice”
2nd place
Best Drama
Crowd Favorite
Best Actor (Michael Rosander)
C/G Productions
“Untitled Love”
3rd place
Fly Trap Films
“The Devil’s Tramping Ground”
Most Artistic
Narc Squad
“Narc Squad”
Best Comedy
High 5 Productions
“On Second Thought”
Outstanding Improvement
Reels On Wheels
Team Monster
Middle Of The Road Productions
“Rounding The Turn”
Team With No Name
“Room For Rent”